Category Archives: Family Happy Snaps

Day 11 – Lakefield National Park

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Yesterday while driving on Battlecamp Endeavour Rd we picked up a noise under our car that just didn’t sound right. So this morning Nathan and Guy jacked the back wheels of the car up and ran it in 5th gear to see if they could work out where the noise was coming from. After listening for a minute or so, they decided that the noise must have been coming from the trailer as they could no longer hear it. So we packed up and left and nearly made it off the track to the road when we heard the noise again. So Nathan jumped under the car with it still on and found the problem. We had run over a huge boulder in one of the road works sections and it had hit the flywheel guard and smashed a hole in it causing it to rub and make the noise we could hear. With a couple of screwdrivers the problem was solved and the noise gone. We made it onto the road just after 9am.

Our first stop was at White Lilly Lagoon which is as the name suggests, a lagoon filled with white lilies. There was a 4wd there that had shorted out its battery in the back of the car and started a fire. Not a good day for them.

We then got back in the car and drove 1km up the road to Red Lilly Lagoon, which has red lilies. I think we had just missed their peak as there was lots of old flower tops, but still some out in flower, and they are huge! Back on Lakefield Road again with Guy and Rhonda in the lead, who spotted some Brolgas, huge grey birds. We then cruised on through Nifold Plain, which has no trees, but huge termite mounds everywhere. We had just overtaken a slow car so Nathan didn’t want to stop for a photo, so I stuck my head out the window and grabbed a couple shots.

We left Lakefield National Park at 12.03pm and were going to stop at Musgrave Roadhouse for lunch, but both children were asleep so we drove past there at 12.33pm. And not 5 minutes up the road, they were both awake and complaining of being hungry. We decided to press on.

To my surprise and disappointment they have bitumen parts of the Development Road. They have taken the fun out of it. It is now like driving on any highway anywhere in Australia. I am left to wonder what it would have been like before the majority of the population could go up here, not just the young and not faint hearted. What happened to Cape York being the last remote place in Australia? We drove through most of Lakefield National Park in two wheel drive. Oh, and Nathan is not liking the ABS on the patrol and wishes he could turn it off. The car doesn’t like to stop on the corrugations when going down into a dip!

At 1.45pm we turned onto Port Stewart Road and stopped for a late lunch. By 2.15 we were back on the road and Rhonda drove her first creek crossing over the Stewart River.

I saw another pig, this time it was huge with pink and black spots. Nathan is quite impressed with my spotting ability and I have been told that on the next hunting trip I am going.

There were lots of quads cruising past us from Port Stewart. One we saw was carrying a broken up quad on the back and then not too long later another one went past carrying a guy with his arm in a sling. We can assume that he stacked his bike and broke his arm. More road works on this road too. An excavator even!

We arrived at Port Stewart and had camp all set up by 5.30 this evening. For once we weren’t running late. We had a camp dog tonight, which the kids named Betsy. She was a beautiful dog, pregnant we think.

This will be our home for the next few nights.

Until next time…. Happy and Safe Travels.

Day 10 – A fish is caught

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Guy got up this morning and thought he would throw in a line before we headed off to Cooktown. So of course, he threw in the line and squidgie that he borrowed from Nathan  and within 30 seconds had landed a fish. The first fish of the trip. Nathan was not impressed, he wanted that claim to be his. It is very competitive around here. We were on the road again just before 9am, as we needed to wait for the information centre to be open, which is at the Botanic Gardens. I found a huge carved wooden snake and the detail in it was fantastic. Before we left Sydney we check out what roads were open on the Cape, and one that we wanted to take, Battlecamp Endeavour Rd, was scheduled to have road works close it yesterday. I phoned to confirm this and was told that it had been delayed until today. So we were pushing it and hoping that they hadn’t closed it yet. We were in luck, they had been pushed back to Thursday 15th. They still had people working on it, but we could get through. We filled our water tank and water jerry at the Lions Park on the main street and the kids had a play. After topping up our fuel we left Cooktown just after 11.30am headed for the Cape.

We all walked across Isabella creek crossing to enjoy the view of Isabella Falls. By the time we drove across it there was a cue of cars walking across to view the falls and then drive across it. There are so many people heading north. And with the roadworks on Battlecamp Endeavour Rd, they may as well be putting in a highway and letting two wheel drive vehicles through.

At 1.30pm we entered Lakefield National Park and headed to Old Laura Station, abandoned and fenced up. We paid $30 each couple for 3 nights in the self registration box to camp at 12 Mile in sites 8 and 9. Guy and Rhonda got stuck in a bull dust hole and couldn’t get to the camp site, so after trying to pull them up, they backed out and tried to go up to sites 2 and 3 which were further in. There was a dry creek crossing that they were a bit iffy about, so we went through to see if the camps were okay. The guys in camp 4 told us that there was an angry croc with a buoy stuck in his mouth and a female with him. We made the decision at that point to turn around and not bother camping in 12 Mile as we didn’t want Elokin and Hendrix first experience with a crocodile to be with an angry one head butting the boat or coming up on our bank. So we high tailed it back out and I spotted a black pig heading down to the river bank. We left him and went to see the ranger near the self registration station to get our money back, but there was no one there. So we went and had a lucky dip through the narrow slit in the thick steel box to try and retrieve our money. Nathan got Guy and Rhonda’s out and someone else’s, and then I had to fish out another two to get ours back using a thick long bent nail. We succeeded, put the other two back and continued north. It was nearly dark by then. We found Kennedy Bend camp site #3 just off the road next to a waterhole on North Kennedy River just before 6pm. Nathan then discovered we were already missing a wheel nut off the trailer. We could hear baby crocs in the waterhole so we went spotlighting to see them. We found 4 sets of red baby croc eyes.

Expenses to date:

Diesel             627.9 L           $843.92          2903kms

Petrol boat     20.02              $27.61

Gas                                         $35.50

Take Away                             $32.45

Groceries                               $145.87

Ferries & Permits                 $16.00

Until next time…. Happy and Safe Travels.

Day 8 – The Boulders

Sunday, 4 July 2010

We were attacked by 6 million mosquitos last night. It took me a while to find the Rid for some relief. Early to bed and early to rise. We were on the road again this morning by 8am.

Giru Historical and Information Centre camp
Giru Hotel

 We headed into Townsville for morning tea, and got lost trying to find the waterfront. We pulled up outside a house to turn our gps on and let it find satellites and when I glanced up there was a man standing outside my window looking in at Elokin as her window was down and mine was up. Scared the crap out of me. He then gave us directions and a map of town. He is heading off later this year on a 3 year trip around Oz. After that we found our way quite easily. We were down at ‘The Strand’ meeting family and friends for morning tea. We were there by 9, but didn’t leave until nearly 12. While waiting for everyone to arrive, we went for a walk out on the jetty. We walked past a man throwing in his line, and by the time we had walked past him and to the other side, so about 20 seconds, he was pulling in a Barramundi. The disappointing thing was that it was well and truly undersized and the bastard killed it!!!! He was told by the locals who measured it for him that is was undersized and that there were heavy fines, but he killed it anyway. We were so disgusted by the man that we left. He was quite happy with himself and so was his mate!

The Strand is really beautiful. My friend told me that the council has spent millions doing it up. They had a car show on, and the jet boats were racing around when we were there. They are so noisy! We had a bacon, egg and onion sandwich, a coffee and chai latte. All very yummy.

Watching the Jet boats go by
Elokin playing in Townsville
Hendrix in Townsville

We drove through a town called Cardwell which is very scenic, right on the waters edge. It looked like a nice place to stay, but we had further to go.

We have stayed at The Boulders in Babinda tonight. We went for a walk to view them this afternoon, as it had been raining here today they were flowing aggressively. Hendrix did a poo and it went all down his leg so he walked back with a nudie bum. We rinsed him off in the creek and Nathan figured he couldn’t put his son in the freezing cold water without jumping in himself. We experienced our first wildlife this evening, while eating dinner a couple of Potoroos came in around our camp and under our table. We think they were Potoroos, someone else called them Numbats and Guy thought they were Bilbies. What do you think?

Nathan, Elokin and Hendrix at the Boulders
Nathan taking a swim
The Potoroo

For the photos of the Boulders, please check out my redbubble site (use link below) as I was unable to link them to here for some stupid reason. Not happy!
Buy my art

Expenses to date:

Diesel             468.1 L           $640.63          2113.2kms

Take Away                             $32.45

Groceries                               $15.78

Until next time…. Happy and Safe Travels.

Day 7 – What is with the weather!

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Freezing, freezing, freezing! I swear the cold weather is following us. When we arrive somewhere it is nice and warm, by the time we leave it is freezing cold again. Damn it, we didn’t pack for this cold weather. As Nathan put it, this morning was as windy as a bum hole after a can of beans! We were waiting for the camper to take off. Whilst packing up Nathan’s surfboard took flight and hit the ground from the top of the trailer. We don’t know if it is damaged or not, too windy to check. It was good to sleep in my own bed last night. We did have the kids at our feet and at one stage during the night I found Hendrix head hanging backwards over the edge of the mattress. He must have had a kinked neck and all the blood rushing to his head. Not very comfortable I’m sure.

We worked out our fuel consumption is 18.39L/100kms. Pretty good when we must weigh about 4.5 tonne. Although we are yet to fill up our water tank and jerrys.

We were on the road again by 8.20am. Stopped for morning tea at Palm Tree Creek rest area which was nothing exciting on the side of the highway. The bakery at Bowen was quite expensive. $3.50 for a loaf of white bread! We ate lunch down by the waterside which was quite a lovely scenic spot. It was the Darwin scene in the movie ‘Australia’, although today it looks modern. The kids and I rolled down the grassy mound and Nathan took them down onto the sandy flats. We fuelled up and left Bowen at 3pm.

Tonight we have stayed at Giru Historical and Information Centre.

Expenses to date:

Diesel             468.1 L           $640.63          2113.2kms

Take Away                             $19.45

Groceries                               $15.78

Until next time…. Happy and Safe Travels.

Day 2 – Stopping by

Monday, 28 June 2010

Last night we pulled into a servo at South Grafton to fill up with diesel as we were running low. As we pulled in the guy came out and said he didn’t have eftpos as it was down. We did have some cash on us but I made the decision not to spend it and continue onto the next service station. The next one down the road was more expensive, and so were the next and the next, so we didn’t get any. Figured we would keep going until we found one with the same price. As we left town there was a sign saying no 24hr fuel for 125kms to Ballina. Now, we could have turned back and got fuel, but we didn’t. We took a chance, and nearly ran out of diesel. Once the fuel light came on we decided to find the next servo and stay near it. We pulled into Ferry Park information centre and rest area about 5kms south of the Yamba turnoff at 9.30pm and then slept in the car in the car park. It would have to be the worst night sleep I think I have ever had. Elokin didn’t go to sleep until about midnight. Nathan and I woke up every couple of hours praying for the sun to be up and be time for us to go. The night dragged on and on. Finally, at 6.45 we drove south about 2kms to the servo and filled up. It was so cold we didn’t eat breakfast but drove through to Woodburn in the hope that it would be in the sun and warmer. Breakfast was at 7.40am next to the river at Woodburn, and it was still cold.

We met family and friends at a park in Ballina for morning tea and let the kids play and run around for a couple of hours. Lunch was at Burleigh Heads with more family and we had a play on the beach. When we got back to the car Nathan found a little lizard in Hendrix arm rest on the door. We have no idea how he got there, but he was safely released into the park. Dinner was in Brisbane with family, which is where we are staying for the next two nights.

There were heaps of road works today. They are upgrading the Pacific Highway and putting in a Ballina bypass. They slowed us down a bit but we weren’t in a hurry. There are so many holiday makers on the road. In the space of 100 metres at one lot of road works, there were us, 2 camper trailers in front and 4 caravans behind. We have never seen so many getting around.

Expenses to date:

Diesel             213.29 L         $273.23          635.9kms

Take Away                             $19.45

Until next time…. Happy and Safe Travels.

Day 1 – On the Road

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Okay, so by the time we packed up our things being left behind, hooked the trailer up, got ourselves organised and said our goodbyes to our family and Tripper it was about 10.30. So that is not too bad. We headed to the first servo we could find to check our tyre pressures and pump them up for the highway drive.

Family photo with Tripper
Family and Rig

I hate goodbyes. I think it is worse to be the ones being left behind because at least the ones leaving have the excitement that comes with leaving, whatever the reason is. This one was hard. And yes, I cried.

The suspension has worked out really well. Nice smooth comfortable ride that holds the weight pretty well. I think we still sag a little, but it is definitely better than it was.

We set the cruise control to 90 and settled in for the long road ahead. No point in stressing the vehicle when we are not in that much of a rush. Nathan then bumped it up to 95 in 4th gear to keep the revs above 2500. More power for the hills.

Our lunch stop was at Tom Cat Creek Rest Area, 20km south of Kew at 2.45 pm, quite late, but the kids went to sleep and we had a really good run. We had sandwiches and a run around and hit the road almost an hour later.

We had a sick Missy at the south side of Kempsey, so we quickly pulled over into the large rest area there to clean up and change drivers. She was alright for ages after that, but then just before we got to Coffs Harbour she was sick again.

Dinner was at McDonalds on the south side of Coffs, which is where we are currently connected to their Free WiFi. After dinner the kids went in the playground and Hendrix found himself a second course of burger. He was eating someone else’s burger!!! Yuck. He was scolded for that. Gross and Disgusting don’t even begin to describe it. Since I have been writing this he has since found someone else’s apple juice and helped himself! How on earth are we going to control this boy for 8 months….

We are about to roll out, so I will upload this before we go. We plan on staying the night around Woodburn or Broadwater in a rest area or off the beaten track somewhere.

Expenses to date:

Diesel             111.21 L         $137.57

Take Away                             $19.45

Until next time…. Happy and Safe Travels.