Day 378: Palm Grove, Broome – Quondong, Dampier Peninsula

Sunday, 15 June 2014                                                                                                  74.8kms

We rose with the determination to get packed up quickly. I still had groceries from yesterday to finish packing away, plus the normal pack up stuff. Later than Nath had planned, but still in good time, we were leaving the park at 9.45am. A quick top up of fuel and a drive around town to kill time and then we were off to the Mango Place at 12 Mile. Jac did the wine tasting, but after seeing that 4 out of the 5 wines on the menu were port, I decided I wasn’t that keen and stuck with the chutney and jam tasting. I quite liked the Mustard with bush honey and mango dressing, but opted to buy the Mango Jam instead as I was limiting myself to just one. At $8 for 190ml it was probably the most expensive jam I have ever bought, but home-made and delicious.

After our stop we headed back towards Broome and turned onto the Cape Leveque Road heading north. The road was in good condition as the lady in the info centre had said it was. By 3pm we had picked our camp nestled in some trees for a bit of wind protection, set up the camper and were sitting enjoying a cuppa and biscuits while the kids played with their trucks in the dirt. Boy did they get dirty!

In the late afternoon, Tom took all of the children to the rock pools as the tide was out. Nath joined him after fluffing around with whatever it was that he was doing, and they made sure the kids had a bit of a wash off. But it didn’t matter all that much as they came home and played in the grubby sand some more.

Tonight both families enjoyed a roast dinner and sat around the fire. The temperature has dropped considerably since the sun went down. We could feel the cold creep in around us from the bushes. It was a bizarre feeling. Walk to the bushes behind the van and feel that it was cool, and then walk back to the van and feel the temperature rise. The whole area was soon engulfed in cold and so now I am sitting with my Ugg Boots on. I still cannot get over how cold it is up here in winter.


Until next time…. Happy and Safe Travels.

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