Tag Archives: playing in the water

Day 79: Winderabandi Point

Tuesday, 20 August 2013                                                                                         297.8kms

Nath and the boys were supposed to get up and head into Exmouth for supplies. It wasn’t too windy so Nath decided to go in the boat instead. Showy went with him. They were supposed to be 1 ½ hours.

Ken and Anne left at 8.30am. Al and Pete went to the gate with them to make sure they didn’t get bogged. The wind finally eased off at 11am, which was a welcome relief. I schooled Elokin and got Hendrix to do a bit as well before he went and played Lego with Jo. I had a huge fight with Elokin trying to get her to do English. It was not a fun day.

Nath and Showy finally arrived back at 10 minutes to 12pm. And there was no victory lap! And they were wearing life jackets which is not something Nath does unless it is hairy out on the water. They did see a marlin jump in front of the boat which was the only good thing that happened.

They then got organised and left for town in separate cars for refuelling. Hendrix also went with Nath. Elokin finally did some school work, (yay) and then played with Holly and Annalea on the caterpillar in the water. Elokin giggled and squealed and had a blast! It was awesome to watch.

Showy, Nath and Hendrix arrive home after 7pm, but Hendrix had fallen asleep on the way so we had to wake him up for dinner. After that we sat around the fire and then had an early night as we plan on having an early morning tomorrow. It is supposed to be a cracker!


Until next time…. Happy and Safe Travels.